Blog: From the Bedrock

Georgia Marble Marvels a New Generation

Posted by Steven Schrenk

In 1906, Asa G. Candler, founder of Coca-Cola and prominent philanthropist, constructed the renowned Candler building in the heart of Atlanta. The Candler building quickly became a city landmark, and part of the city’s lore: A safe in the basement cellar was said to have contained the famously

Topics: Georgia marble, adaptive reuse, buy local

Not Quite By The Book: HASTINGS Architecture Revives Abandoned Library for New HQ

Posted by Steven Schrenk

For several years, Nashville’s thriving economy has led to an endless reshaping of the city’s skyline. High-rise residential towers and 25-story office buildings dot the sky—alongside omnipresent construction cranes. While many of these new builds went up in parking lots, that was not always the

Topics: Architecture & Design Trends, Historic restoration, Renovation, Georgia marble, White Cherokee Marble, White Georgia Marble, Sustainable Design, adaptive reuse

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